
Saturday, February 14, 2015

4th 6th weeks review

The answers to review are at the bottom of the page
  Relationships in Ecosystems

The Water Cycle   Water 2


Image result for nitrogen cycle

  4th 6 weeks Science Review

1. Give 2 examples of combustion in the carbon cycle.  Factory, cars

2.  Where does the energy first come into an ecosystem? sun
3.  Name and define the 5 main parts and definitions of the water cycle below?
     Runoff, groundwater, precipitation, condensation, evaporation

4. Give 3 examples of producers in an ecosystems?
     Plants – grass, algae, flowers

5. When plants make glucose, they are converting the sun’s radiant energy into ATP
6.  Name 3 ways nitrogen gets fixed? Decomposition, bacteria, lightning

7. List the 3 cycles responsible for constantly moving matter from living organisms
    to the nonliving parts of the environment and then back again. Carbon, water,
8. What is the role of decomposers in the food chain? Break down dead thing
9. Why is photosynthesis important to consumers? Consumers breathe oxygen, eat  

13.  What are herbivores? Plant eaters - Carnivore meat eaters –omnivore eat meat and
       plants detritivores eat dead things

14. The chemical reaction for photosynthesis is found below.
      Which of the compounds involved is an organic compound? C
6H12O6 – glucose, sugar, organic
             CO2 + H2O à C6H12O6 + O2

15. How much energy is lost as you move up the food pyramid? How is lost?
      90% gets lost living
16. If a cow eats grass and a lion eats the cow. How much energy do the lion get
      from the cow? 10%

17. What is the difference between a food web and a food chain? Food chain represents one line of eating, food web is the complex feeding of organisms in an ecosystem
18. In a food web, the arrows point towards the flow of energy or (circle one)
19. Why is decomposition important? Provides nutrients for the soil, SPONCH
20. Define homeostasis and provide 2 examples of how it helps organisms survive.
      hibernation, sweating
21. Why is biodiversity important in an ecosystem?
        For the survival of animals within an ecosystem
22. How do abiotic and biotic elements in an ecosystem differ?
      Abiotic – non-living (rocks, water, soil)  Biotic – living    (animal, plants)
23.  Name two behavioral adaptations help species survive in the winter?
       Migration, hibernation
24. How do adaptations increase an organism’s survival?  Camouflage allows an
      animal to blend in to the environment to hide from predators
25. What is the dichotomous key? A set of question asked about an organism to decide
      on their taxonomy
26. Do all organic compounds contain carbon? Yes


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